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Joint Ventures
Morne Jaloux, St. George’s
Superior Foods (G/da) LTD. is currently engaged in the Agro-processing business, utilizing key Grenadian agricultural raw materials namely nutmeg and cocoa as well as a variety of minor spices among others which are available in massive quantities. Because of our rich fertile soil, agricultural produce is one of Grenada’s principal natural resource. Grenada is recognized as the producer of the highest quality of nutmeg and cocoa worldwide.
The research and development of the range of Agro-processed products we currently manufacture and distribute began in 1970. Test marketing of those unique products began in 1989. They withstood the test of time and remained exceptionally strong in the market place.
The under mentioned are the list of products we currently manufactured and distributed on a small scale.
The under mentioned are the list of products we currently manufactured and distributed on a small scale. There are as follows: “Traditional” Grenadian oil of nutmeg (100% pure derivative), “Traditional” Grenadian fat of nutmeg (100% pure derivative), “Medicare” Nutmeg aroma therapy massage oil, “Epic” Cocoa fat (100% pure derivative), Traditional” Specially spiced rum (80 proof), “Traditional” specially spiced run (138 proof), “Traditional” Tropical Spice Punch A Cream, “Traditional” Seamoss Rhum Cream, “Traditional” Grenada oil of clove (100% pure derivative), “Far Fair” Nutmeg butter soap, “Epic”Cocoabuttersoap, “Epic” Cocoa fat – 1oz. tubs, “Bowen” Therapeutic Nutmeg Butter Plus – 1oz. tubes.
Financing for: mass production and aggressive marketing and distribution
Available upon request
Mr. Gerald M. Bowen Executive Director
Morne Jaloux St. George’s, GRENADA
Tel: +1 473 414-3757
Email: agrotech_gda@yahoo.com
Grand Anse, St. George’s (The clinic will be located on 20,000sqft. of land)
Ross and Associate Biomedical Engineering Services International proposes to establish a Dialysis Clinic that will bring Dialysis service to Grenadians who are in desperate need of treatment and cannot afford to pay the high price for the services.
The propose clinic will initially commence with four Dialysis Stations but will have the capital to expand, each station will comprise of a dialysis machine. Treatment chair or bed, intravenous pole and crash cart. Each station will treat three patients per day. Four stations can treat twelve patients per day this is inclusive of one station designated to highly infectious patients. The unit will administer dialysis treatment to patients for 3-5 hours from Monday to Saturday each week. Each patient will be treated three times per week.
Duration of the Project:
A new clinic or the renovation of a building system can be constructed/renovated and equipment installed and functioning in six(6) to eight(8) months
Estimated Project Cost:
Approximate cost of facility and furnishing US$942,000.00 Approximate running cost for one year US$604,439.00
Documents Available:
Business plan, feasibility study, technical drawings, environmental impact analysis, planning approvals and socio- economic analysis.
Dialysis Clinic Mr. Rawle Ross Ross and Associate Biomedical Engineering Services Int. St. Paul’s
St. George’s, GRENADA
1 473 440-0814 1 473 419-6930
Email: biomross@spiceisle.com