Alfredo Bowman (1933-2016) or more commonly known as Dr. Sebi was a world renowned self-taught healer and pathologist of herbal medicine. If you consult Google there are over 25 million references to him. Controversy and conspiracy over his curative abilities and death continues to playout in print and social media. His concept of curing disease is so radically different from the Western world norm that he’s even been labeled a witch doctor. BusinessGrenada (BG) had the privilege to interview Mrs. Patsy Bowman, Dr Sebi’s Widow, aka Mrs Dr. Sebi. We share with you her incredible journey in a healing past, present and her road map for New Life for all of us in the future..

BG: We’ve all heard the phrase “Let Food be Thy Medicine, and Medicine be Thy Food” from Hippocrates. In this modern age of confusion over Genetically Modified Foods (GMO), Naturally Flavoured, Chemically enhanced and Organic foods, would Hippocrates say “Let the Native Foods be thy Medicine”?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: What I’ve learned over the years is that we do not need foods containing vitamins or protein, what the body really needs is minerals, and I will show you how simple it is. For your blood you need Iron that is not a protein or a vitamin, for your bones you need Calcium and Magnesium still minerals, for your brain Copper and Carbon for your reproductive organs Zinc, for your Pancreas Chromium.

BG: Is this the basis for your treatments?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: So we developed a treatment called Intracellular Chelation and Bio-Mineral balance. In the chelation process we begin to clean the digestive tract of debris that has accumulated over the years in the body; things like mucus, inflammation and toxins. Simultaneously we’re strengthening all the cells especially the immune system which includes purifying your blood, lymphatics and skin. You can’t detox the body without nourishing it.

BG: This is the basis for curing all illness and disease?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: Yes, Nourishing your brain and central nervous system, strengthening your bones, your muscles nourishing the reproductive organs etc. As we’re cleaning all the cells we’re actually replacing the 102 minerals that have been deficient over the years in the body.

BG: With Intracellular Chelation and Bio-Mineral Balance what kind of time frame before you see results?

Mrs Dr. Sebi: Within 3 days you’ll know for a fact that you’re taking something to help you. Basically it’s the same compounds for everyone. However, depending on the pathology we may increase or add something to the therapy. Let’s say someone has Diabetes, then we alter our therapeutic compound and address the pancreatic ducts. It’s not that your body’s not making the insulin it’s the pancreatic ducts that are blocked preventing your insulin from getting into your blood system.

BG. Does this theory stand up in orthodox Western Medicine?

Mrs. Dr.Sebi: I don’t know I think that they disagree with just about everything that I’ve found.

BG: How did you come upon the delivery for the process?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: My late husband Dr. Sebi was a steam engineer. He learned through brewing trial and error that when you apply steam and electricity with herbs when perfected it can cure any disease in the body. Empirical evidence, this knowledge was passed down through the generations from both sides of our families.

BG: Seems fairly straight forward for such a sensitive issue, is there any other contributing factors?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi Yes, 50% of this treatment is dependent on your diet, you cannot eat dead things and expect to get life from it. Undigested meat is the perfect bed for invading bacteria and viruses, we should not put that into our body.

BG: Isn’t Meat considered a basic food group and a great source of protein?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: That is a myth that we need to eat dead things to get protein. I remember a Doctor telling me that I have a total misunderstanding of what the body needs. And I told him that at one time we thought the world was flat. When you were a child I’m sure you didn’t like meat. Your parents made you eat it and then you became addicted to it. I know this because I help people to get off crack, and getting you off meat, beans and rice that is a greater challenge. But if you were to stay off of it for 30 days it becomes so much easier.

BG You’re saying no Meat; what else should we avoid?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi No eggs, milk, cheese, butter, fish, chicken, turkey, sausage. Those things cannot nourish you. You eat them for instant gratification or because you’re addicted to it. It goes in the body and rots. It’s only the food that you’re eating that nourishes your cells or doesn’t.

BG: What’s confusing is these things are staple provision vegetables, how can that be bad for us?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: A lot of people in the islands here especially males suffer with a burning sensation when they urinate from eating Cassava and Dasheen it takes away their libido while they’re young. Ackee has arsenic and it will debilitate the reproductive organs of the male. A lot of people say that they know which part of the Ackee to eat that’s not poison, that’s like saying let me take a little bit of poison. Breadfruit is so starchy it will block up the digestive tract. If you notice after every holiday when they fix Oil Down, someone has a stroke. It’s not giving you anything to electrify the body and nourish you. There’s no nourishment in carbonic acid.

BG: A lot of the West Indian Vegetables are not very good for us at all. What’s the good list?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: At all, Natural vegetation is our grocery store. We just forgot about that. Things that grow naturally, Zepina or Banji is a natural spinach it is the Amaranth plant. Bloggoe which is a natural banana it’s kind of square and has seeds, green bananas are ok, Ginger is a natural plant. And then you have the natural grains you can have cereal, pasta, quinoa, kamut, spelt, fonio, rye, and amaranth grain. Not wheat, that’s artificial.

BG: Is it fair to say that “BIG FOOD” has hijacked our diet?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi It’s totally compromised. By adding chemicals and further hybridization of the original plant species. Compromising the very structure and integrity of the plant. I can determine if a plant’s a hybrid. Everything you need comes right from Mother Earth and you don’t need a grocery store or doctor with a stethoscope to tell you that. It’s right outside your door, it’s in your yard.

BG: So we’ve been conditioned to accept hybrid foods as natural, and there are consequences?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: Take Carrots, they are a cross between Queen Anne’s Lace and Wild Yam, both plants are natural but when crossbred it creates something that is not natural and it’s dangerous. Carrots are not good for the eyes, actually the opposite. Broccoli and Cauliflower are even worse. When I was a child there wasn’t broccoli, now they have a broccoli flower everywhere. Children being born will think that’s something natural. There are no broccoli patches in the jungle or forests. It is only in someone’s garden you will find that.

BG: Any other foods on the Good List?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: Coconuts they’re very good, like the ones we have in Grenada from a real palm tree, coconut and jelly are a great breakfast. Mango, Papaya (Papaw), Soursop, Golden Apple all good natural fruits. Sea Grape that grows near the ocean, it is alkaline it neutralizes acid on contact. I call Seamoss nature’s whole food, because seamoss has like 92 minerals in it and the human body contains (needs) 102, so it’s nature’s whole food. I have now formulated a tablet so you can take it raw and I feel it’s better and you can travel with it it’s not the powder form, we have the powder form as well. Once you do a therapy or treatment you do get a nutritional guide for full list of do and don’t eat foods.

BG: Is there a science behind these claims?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: When you eat live foods that contain carbon hydrogen and oxygen, that’s what you need from food. People say well plants die too, of course but it doesn’t die and emit uric acid. It emits carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, this is the source of life. That is what you get when you eat natural plants. It’s the difference between alternating current and direct current energy; a natural/native plant and a hybrid. A native plant will give you alternative current, but a hybrid plant will stimulate you once and that’s it.

BG: How do you find your clientele?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: I get new customers completely by referral; someone has told there brother or friend, I never have to advertise. People that have been helped are the ones that recommend others to me. This includes celebrities and of course everyone’s names are confidential I would not call out a name, all client information is totally confidential.

BG: You’ve mentioned celebrities there’s talk that the Sebi’s were commissioned by Michael Jackson ?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: Yes, that’s true. We lived with Michael Jackson for about 9 months, I gave him medicine personally, I was the one making the medicine getting up in the night giving it to Michael. But because his people didn’t pay us we couldn’t stay any longer. Our regular business was disrupted taking care of him full time. He begged us not to leave, because he said that people were trying to kill him and that he was worth more dead than alive.

BG: He fell in London, in a real state of decline?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: That was after we left, he did have some good people around him Grace Luwanda I can call her name because she’s testified at one of our lectures because she had lupus and we cured her within 4 days, there was no longer pain.

BG: What exactly is Lupus?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: Lupus is inflammation of the connective tissue which spreads causing pain 24/7. Sickle Cell is the same thing. What makes the cell break into a sickle? Mucus and Inflammation so you begin to remove the inflammation from the body and nourish the body with iron, but it has to be the proper structure of iron something that would assimilate into the human body. Not iron oxide or the iron that they offer at the pharmacy. It has to be from a native plant that would deliver that iron and within hours you can begin to see changes for the better. We have a plant right here that’s good for sickle cell you call it Zuti the stinging nettle.

How do you harvest herbs?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: I don’t grow the herbs, I go to where the herbs grow naturally and get them there. It is the minerals in the soil in the area that it is growing that’s important. I have people that go out and gather herbs for me in their natural locations, from the America’s, Africa and the Caribbean. It’s a combination of herbal compounds that is guaranteed to clean the body and nourish you, within 3 days you know for a fact you’re taking something to help. Our quickest case from HIV positive to negative was 19 days, our longest case took 2 years but he was still eating pork. Yes, he was still cured because it’s removing inflammation the bed that accommodates any virus or bacteria.

BG: This is proven?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: Yes! Well we won the case in the Supreme Court in New York City. The diseases cited in the case were Aids, Cancer, Lupus, Herpes, Blindness, Paralysis, male and female problems, Parkinson’s and Diabetes. People came to the court with their diagnostic sheets from before and after that is how we were able to win the case.

BG: So the witnesses had gone to a traditional doctor and were diagnosed and unsuccessfully treated. They come to you, you’ve cured them, they’ve gone back to their doctor and the doctor said it’s gone?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: Yes precisely. They said we were practicing Medicine without a license and making false claims. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court. That is the case we won in the Supreme Court in 1988. They asked that we produce 9 witnesses one for each of the diseases and 77 people showed up with their diagnostics sheets from before and after.

BG: What was the effect on your business from winning the Supreme Court case?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: It continued to rise, because the people that we had treated before, and even treatments with Dr. Sebi and his previous wife going back to the 70’s has created quite a following. This work has been going on for years.BG: Do you have  a license for “practicing medicine”?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: I don’t have a license to be doing what I’m doing and I find it insulting when some folks ask me if my products are FDA approved. What I’ve found over the years is that all FDA approved products are not good for us. I think that if there is an authority on what to consume, they should consult me instead.

BG: How do you see the role of Orthodox Western Medicine?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: Healing is healing there is no direct conflict with western medicine, in case of emergency or trauma I can say that it is a viable treatment. If you are in pieces they will put you back together. If someone needed Oxygen right away, of course my herbs could work if you could swallow, but what if you can’t swallow? As far as internal medicine and nutrition is concerned I know for a fact that they do not have a clue. Someone in my lifetime will see that it can work hand in hand.

BG: What about when doctors say not to take any bush medicine when you are their under treatment?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: They are absolutely right, because most of the herbs that people use that are in the pharmacy 99% of them are artificial. If it’s a native plant there is no clash, because a native plant will just deliver the minerals to you. It’s like a food not a medicine. But if this plant is an artificial one like spirulina, or aloe vera of course it will clash. You have to be certain whether the plant is a native one or if it’s an artificial one. Most of the people that come to me are on heavy medication from Chemo, Radiation etc. Usually in stage 4 or the final stages of the disease, they don’t come to me when they’re well. Everybody goes to their doctor first and now they have 3 days to live and that is when they come to me.

BG: Do you have any statistics on your healing record?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: In the last 4 years, I’ve lost 3 clients, and 2 of them didn’t even open my product. I see roughly 20-25 people a week. I talk to people all over the world and my company is based in the US, my distribution company. The phone never stops ringing.

BG: How do you store your herbs?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: If I get a green herb I will hang them upside down and let them dry. A native plant or natural plant whether it’s dried whether its green whether you boil it or burn it you can not get rid of the energy it’s still good the longer it stays the more potent it becomes.

BG: So good health comes down to an Alkaline Diet?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: It’s a New Life according to my daughter, you’re changing one group of foods for another that’s safer for our consumption. For instance a lot of people eat Soy, and Soy is extremely and I repeat extremely dangerous, its like one element away from plastic. George Washington Carver made paint and linoleum for the floor with that, it was never meant to be consumed. The plant is not natural it is a hybrid and it will hurt you more than meat.

BG: What health disaster does Soy create?

Mrs. Dr Sebi: Asthma. People give up meat and eat Soy. It covers the lung and the bronchial tubes; Soy, cheese and milk have lactic acid and create a lot of mucus. Mucus is an isolator and keeps acid off your cells, but if your body over produces it becomes a catch 22.

BG: What’s your vision of the future in your work?

Mrs. Dr Sebi: Continue healing work making my liquid herbal compounds. With a little help and funding I will have an institute, I would like to do it right here in Grenada. Calls are coming in from all over the world, Ghana, Africa, India the Netherlands I think this could be a fantastic location for a healing institute.

BG: How does one store your product after purchase?

Mrs. Dr Sebi: I don’t use preservatives for the tonic So it keeps in the refrigerator. You can’t overdose on it, the worst thing is that you can’t sleep or you don’t feel tired. You don’t feel hungry because it’s a diuretic you will urinate, it will clean all your organs the kidneys, the liver your lungs the bronchial tubes your respiratory system.

BG: Do you feel that people are becoming more aware about the effect their diet has on their health?

Mrs. Dr. Sebi: Can you imagine 50 years ago there wasn’t even a word for Vegetarian, and right now we’re beyond that with Veganism. The world is going to be vegan soon. A hundred years from now we will look barbaric, everyone will be vegan. We were not constructed to eat animals, if we were we would be hunting the way lions do. Our digestive tract alone tells you that we should not consume animal products, because of how it’s designed. We are supposed to consume foods that enable our blood to pick up nutrients from the colon and it’s not doing that right if things are rotting in the gut. That’s the worst thing – uric acid. The good thing is when people meet me they drop certain dead foods, are less tired, irritable, stressed even, because uric acid weighs heavy on the brain and central nervous system”.

We are in a global food and medical crisis, to believe that they are not connected is dangerous. Millions of pounds of food in 2018 were recalled due to Salmonella, Ecoli and other fatal contaminates. Grenada is one country that realizes the validity of natural remedies and can expand on this as an industry.

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