Spice Isle Fish House

Buyers & Suppliers of top quality fresh fish for both local & export markets.

Grand Mal, St. George’s

Phone: 1 473 435-7122

Fax: 1 473-435-7124

Email: jamesince@sifishhouse.com

International Merchants Ltd. (IMG)

Frequente Industrial Park, St.
George’s, Grenada, W.I.

Phone: 1 473-439-1601

Fax: 1 473-439-1601

Email: admin@imgda.com

GCNA (Grenada Co-Operative Nutmeg Association)

GCNA Building Kirani James Blvd.
P.O. Box 160, St. George’s, Grenada W.I.

Phone: 1 473-440-2117/2714/2217

Fax: 1 473-440-6602

Email: clyne.nutmeg@spiceisle.com

GCA (Grenada Cocoa Association)

GCNA Building, Kirani James Blvd,
St. George’s, Grenada, W.I.

Phone: 1 473-440-2933/2234

Fax: 1 473-440-1470

Email: gca@spiceisle.com

Evolution Trading Ltd.

Distributors & Wholesalers of specialty products

St. George’s, Grenada, W.I.

Phone: 1 473-406-5527

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